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In itself in a sentence

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Sentence count:226+2Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: itselfof itselfby itselfself-himselfby himselfby yourselfself-esteem
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(121) Or maybe it's just that there is a course that teaches advertising and marketing, which is relatively new in itself.
(122) The main point is that the clash procedure becomes an end in itself.
(123) To confirm the fact was a serious security breach in itself.
(124) Being on a Kindertransport was, in itself, a traumatic experience that left its mark on otherwise balanced and healthy children.
(125) Producers may favour one-man shows for economic reasons, but that doesn't in itself mean that the audience is being short-changed.
(126) That many doctors condone this practice does not in itself indicate any moral justification.
(127) As if that quest were not macabre enough in itself, I went as if under some sort of malediction.
(128) So, for example, the very existence of a product range is, in itself, a selling point for a product.
(129) A set of binary codes is constructed which in itself, without any translation program, is quite meaningless.
(130) This fact is a cause for mild celebration in itself.
(131) Suicide Although suicide is not, in itself, a psychiatric illness it may be taken as suggestive of impaired mental health.
(132) A combination of impeccable service, lavishly decorated public rooms and fine cuisine make the St. Francis a landmark in itself.
(133) Not only was gout meant to protect one from more dangerous ailments; it engendered virtue in itself.
(134) Promising extra money, though welcome in itself, is the easy option.
(135) Most colleges have routinely sought to produce qualified student bodies whose mix is in itself an educational experience for those in it.
(136) Taping your own sound effects is another interesting part of video movie making: it can become almost a hobby in itself.
(137) Life is gifted to us not just to work, but to work in order to realize life's purpose. Work is not an end in itself, but a means to realize the end purpose of life. RVM 
(138) The absence of panegyric in itself sets Leapor's poem apart from earlier country house poems.
(139) This awareness, in itself(, is believed to generate sufficient grief to restore and ensure cooperation.
(140) Human authority is then an evil in itself and the social relations which constitute the fabric of society are constantly being dissolved.
(141) That is a bad thing in itself, for it means less competition and more wasted resources.
(142) That in itself was a risk and imposed a fast pace on the designers and builders.
(143) This system, in itself, could have a large impact on the small industrial market, and the commercial market.
(144) Shelley is superbly equipped technically, yet never self-consciously seeks to use virtuosity as an end in itself.
(145) As to the point of ownership of lorries, that would not in itself have provided a defence.
(146) In itself this was not a catastrophic turn.
(147) State ownership in itself does not signify collective control.
(147) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(148) 'S a reg'lar little United States in itself.
(149) Stress in itself is not necessarily injurious.
(150) In itself, such extrapolation is hardly fatal.
More similar words: itselfof itselfby itselfself-himselfby himselfby yourselfself-esteeminitialinitiateinitiallydefinitiondefinitelyinitiativefinite elementshelfwelfareunitunityunitesellmonitorsellersell offsell outselectvesselcommunitycloselyfurniture
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